Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lots of Cousins

I love that Harlee has so many cousins here. I'm excited for them to all be such good friends when they get older. I wish her cousins on the Boebert side lived closer so they could become better friends as they grow up.

"The" Motorcycle Shirt

When I was little I was obsessed with this blue motorcycle shirt. I would have worn it every day if my mom would have let me. Well, Harlee is known for filling her diaper regularly. I always keep an extra outfit in my diaper bag just in case she blows out of her diaper. A few weeks ago, we were at my mom's for dinner when Harlee decided to blow out of her diaper twice within an hour. Because I only had one extra outfit, you can see my dilemma. My mom pulled out my old blue motorcycle shirt for Harlee to wear. I couldn't believe she kept the shirt after all these years. I was excited to pass the shirt onto my daughter!

Harlee's Blessing

Josh blessed Harlee Sunday, December 6. We were very lucky to have so many family members come and support us. Josh did a wonderful job and Harlee was nice and quiet during the blessing. (I was a little worried she would start crying in the middle.) Afterward, we had the family over to my parents' house for dinner. It was fun to get to visit with everyone and let them see Harlee.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Lights

I love Christmas lights! Josh is great about putting up lights for me every year. Our roof has a section that you can't get to with a latter. It scares me to death because Josh has to climb out the window and hang off the side of the house to put up the lights. I always sit in the front yard with the phone ready to call an ambulance. Once again, he survived and our house looks great!


Josh was too lazy to go down stairs and get the bouncer so he could shower. He decided to improvise. I walked into the bathroom to find Harlee in the sink! He justified it by saying at least he put a towel in their to give her cushion and support. Surprisingly, she loved it. She just stared at herself in the mirror the whole time. Should I be worried about leaving Harlee home alone with her daddy?


Shadow has found a new best friend. Where ever Harlee goes, Shadow follows. If only dogs could babysit.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Yesterday was Harlee's first Thanksgiving. We usually do the two Thanksgiving thing and go my mom's house and Josh's aunt Laurie's house. This year Josh's family stayed in Enoch so we only had the opportunity to be with my family. Of course, Harlee slept through dinner, but don't worry she enjoyed it later when it was her turn to eat!

It may look like she's screaming, but she is definitely smiling! She was laughing for about 10 minutes straight. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

After we ate we went with Julie, Jake, Rylan, and Paislee to the park for a little fun. Paislee and Harlee had a blast together.

I will admit, Harlee wasn't so excited about the big slides.

Splish Splash!

When Harlee had to take sponge baths she would just scream every time. I hated bathing her because I felt so bad for her. When her umbilical cord fell off I finally got to start putting her in the real bath tub. She loves the bath! She just lays there so relaxed and calm. She gets mad when I take her out. Now I don't mind bathing her.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Harlee's Cousins

Harlee has the best two cousins a baby could ask for. Rylan and Paislee are so cute with Harlee. They always want to hold her and help me take care of her. Rylan is already offering to babysit for me. I've decided Paislee needs a little sister soon!

Harlee Marie

Harlee was born on October 27 at 6:20 pm. To our surprise she was only 7 lbs 4 oz. My doctor was convinced she was going to be at least 8 1/2 pounds. Boy am I glad he was wrong! She has been such a blessing in our home. She is always so content and happy. Josh and I are lucky to have such an easy baby. I sure hope it lasts!

Thanks Holly!

My sister, Holly, finally convinced me it was time to start a blog. I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to write on this thing, but we'll see how it goes.